To establish continuity, I'll begin where I came in.
They gave me Treblinka, Hiroshima, and Wounded Knee,
slavery scars, two world wars, and fewer living species.
Because this type of legacy requires such constant care,
we decided luxury would be the gift we'd share.
For you, we built an island (three-mile high), and to
oversee security employed the agent Orange. It may
take more than macintosh to shield you from our rain,
but when the o-zone layer's gone WHO will dare complain?
You'll find our toxic dump sites well within your reach.
and the rest is in the fine print at the bottom of this sheet.
With this last will and testament, I bequeath these things
to you. Take care my heirs of your fair shares and salvage
what you can. It just may be technology that will re-cycle
Grandma Proses
Shirley A. Bender
Copyright © 1985